Guidelines For Receiving A Reading:
* Please note: I DO NOT want any personal information before a reading.
Sessions are in-person, by phone or virtual.
If you have questions about Life Lessons, How To Grow Spiritually, Past Lives or loved ones who are crossed over (DO NOT TELL ME WHO!!!) please let me know before the reading begins.
My readings are mainly based on your questions. I start the tarot card reading with a general reading consisting of two spreads of cards. The first spread represents what's going on, the second spread is what's coming up. Then I ask the client for their questions.
Before I read for clients I always prepare with meditation and clearing. There is a lot of work that goes into preparing to do readings. This is one of the main reasons I require an appointment for a reading. That way it gives me time to do my meditation and clearing before I read for someone. I respect my clients enough to prepare and have good and abundant energy when I read for them.
Phone, Zoom Or In-Person Psychic Tarot Card readings are:
$40 for 15 Minutes
$60 for 30 Minutes
$120 for 60 Minutes
+ $5 for Zoom Readings
$140/Hr For Private Parties
$150-$250/Hr For Corporate Parties
Appointments Available:
Monday 1pm to 8pm
Tuesday 1pm to 8pm
Wednesday 12pm to 5pm
Thursday 1pm to 8pm
Friday 4pm to 5pm
Saturday 11am to 5pm
Sunday 1pm to 5pm
* It is always inappropriate to ask a reader questions based on another reader's information.
Guidelines For An Akashic Records Reading:
It is my experience that Akashic Records Readings are generally misunderstood. These readings are meant to answer basic global questions such as what are my life lessons and how do I grow spiritually. I ask that you put a little more effort into preparing for this type of reading as compared to a tarot card reading. Please view the following guidelines for understanding Akashic Records Readings.
(The reading may include information about past lives.)
* Must be at least 18 years of age
Types Of Questions To Ask In Akashic Records Reading:
Types Of Questions To Ask In A Tarot Card Reading:
My process of accessing the Akashic records is to ask the client to say their full name three times. The vibration of their name, and intention is the manner by which I access their Akashic records. I follow that by asking if I have permission to read them. After the client gives me permission to read them, I repeat the phrase, "the records are now open," three times.
I usually begin by looking at their soul’s archetype, taken from The Seven Universal Achetypes. This information is accessed through what is called the Michael Teachings. The Michael Teachings are in-depth channeled information about the different archetypes and the sub archetypes that souls take on. These are basically known as the Server, Priest, Artisan, Sage, Warrior, King and Scholar.
Following this I look at a general overview of their past lives. Then the client has an opportunity to ask questions about soul advancement and their past lives.
When the Akashic records part of the reading is finished, in my mind I say, “the records are now closed” three times.
The Akashic Records are an energetic archive of your soul’s eternal journey, past, present and future experiences. They are the record of your thoughts, words, actions, desires and emotions. An Akashic Records Reading will provide insights into your life lessons, relationships, career and health. Akashic Records readings are good for understanding life patterns and karmic connections.
“Each set of Records is made up of two distinct parts: the energetic blueprint of the soul — outlining Divine Potential — and the catalogue of lifetimes experienced by a human being awakening to this blueprint and growing into Divine Potential, one lifetime at a time. I like to think of the Records as the “Cosmic Chronicles of You.” *Linda Howe.
The purpose of an Akashic Records reading is to bring forth the most important aspects of your soul’s journey for spiritual growth. The way to look at this is, "How do I best enhance my life with new spiritual insights?"
From The Michael Teachings:
"Before each of us begins our incarnational cycle on the planet, we choose one of seven Roles which serve as the blueprint for who we are, what special abilities we possess, and how we interact with others.
Our role is the type of soul we are, our special soul type, the spiritual archetype we embody. Every soul has a particular role that determines his dominant way of being. Although a soul can have only one role, there are secondary role influences from his essence twin and casting (mathematical position within the greater whole). We could say that our role is our primary style—it determines not so much what we do but how we tend to do whatever we choose to do. Anyone can do any activity, regardless of role, although each role tends to gravitate toward certain activities. For example, since sages are the cardinal expression role, they often like to disseminate information. However, a person should not assume that he is a sage just because he likes to do that—people of other roles may also have that characteristic. A role is not an exclusive, rigid set of behaviors."
The Roles Are:
~The Michael Teachings
“I’m told by the Dalai Lama that the Records are governed and protected by a group of nonphysical light beings called the Lords of the Records. When we access them, we are able to see the events and lessons of past incarnations. So, the Akashic Records are the soul-level blueprint and the catalog of experiences of an individual soul as it becomes aware of his or her spiritual journey through time.”
~Shirley MacLaine from
I'm Over All That: and Other Confessions
Simon & Shuster, Inc., 2012
Energy healing is a transformative practice that focuses on the body's energy systems to promote overall well-being. This ancient method recognizes that our physical, emotional, and spiritual health is deeply intertwined with our energetic state. Through techniques such as energy clearing, cutting unhealthy energetic chords, and balancing chakras, energetic healing aims to restore harmony and vitality within the body. By addressing energy imbalances, we can alleviate various ailments and enhance our quality of life.
Energy clearing is a crucial component of energetic healing. It involves the removal of stagnant or negative energy that can accumulate within the body or energy field due to stress, trauma, or negative experiences. These blockages can hinder the natural flow of energy, leading to physical discomfort, emotional turmoil, or spiritual disconnection. By clearing these energies, we create space for positive energy to flow freely, promoting a sense of clarity, peace, and rejuvenation.
Another important aspect of energetic healing is the cutting of energy chords. Energy chords are invisible connections that form between individuals, often as a result of emotional interactions or relationships. While some chords are positive, others can be draining and unhealthy, affecting our energy levels and emotional state. By identifying and cutting these detrimental chords, we can reclaim our energy, strengthen our boundaries, and foster healthier relationships. Additionally, balancing the chakras—seven key energy centers along the spine—is essential for maintaining optimal energy flow and overall health. Each chakra corresponds to different aspects of our being, and when they are in balance, we experience greater harmony and alignment in our lives. Through various techniques, such as meditation, visualization, and hands-on healing, energy healing helps to restore and maintain this delicate balance, supporting our journey towards holistic well-being.
This is a consultation-only service designed for individuals eager to delve into their spiritual journey. It offers a dedicated space for exploring various facets of spirituality, catering to those who wish to understand and enhance their spiritual practices. Whether you are new to spiritual exploration or have been on this path for some time, this service aims to provide insights and guidance tailored to your unique spiritual needs.
This consultation service covers a broad spectrum of spiritual topics, including meditation techniques, chakra balancing, and connecting with spirit guides. Meditation, as a core practice, can help calm the mind and deepen your spiritual awareness, while understanding and balancing chakras can promote overall well-being. Additionally, learning to communicate with spirit guides can offer profound guidance and support on your spiritual journey, helping you navigate life's challenges with greater clarity and confidence.
Furthermore, this service delves into the meanings of spiritual experiences and numbers, aiding in the interpretation of signs and symbols that often appear in your life. Spiritual growth is a continuous process, and understanding these experiences can significantly enhance your personal development. By providing a space for these explorations, this consultation service seeks to empower you on your spiritual path, offering the tools and knowledge necessary to foster a deeper connection with your inner self and the universe.
My Code of Ethics
The Psychic Declaration of Principles
1. I am working to enhance the image of the metaphysical community by living with personal and professional integrity.
2. I am treating all persons equally without prejudice or discrimination because of sex, race, ethnic background, color, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation or sexual identity.
3. I am scrupulously avoiding fraudulent claims, practices, and promises, and I always strive for quality in readings and all metaphysical and spiritual work.
4. I am encouraging seekers to accept total responsibility for their lives and the choices they must make.
5. I am honoring others’ points of view, even those that differ from mine.
6. I am setting reasonable fees with no hidden costs or surprise fees. I do not keep the client falsely engaged just to increase my fee.
7. I am keeping all readings confidential and discreet.
8. I am not claiming 100% accuracy because no one has or is meant to have all the answers all the time. Spirit, God, and/or the Universe has a plan that is not always revealed to us.
9. I advise my clients that I am not a licensed therapist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor and therefore do not provide a diagnosis or psychological counseling.
10. I do not counsel that someone is about to die or has a terminal disease even if I feel serious illness may be present.
11. I never try to force clients to accept what I am telling them.
12. I keep the clients’ welfare in mind first. In cases where I feel I cannot psychically serve the customer, I advise them honestly and refer them to another psychic.
13. I promise to work conscientiously for the highest and best good of my clients.
Phone, Zoom Or In-Person Psychic Tarot Card readings are:
$40 for 15 Minutes
$60 for 30 Minutes
$120 for 60 Minutes
+ $5 for Zoom Readings
$140/Hr For Private Parties
$150-$250/Hr For Corporate Parties
* It is always inappropriate to ask a reader questions based on another reader's information.
* Please note: I DO NOT want any personal information before a reading.
My readings are mainly based on your questions. I start the tarot card reading with a general reading consisting of two spreads of cards. The first spread represents what's going on, the second spread is what's coming up. Then I ask the client for their questions.
Before I read for clients I always prepare with meditation and clearing. There is a lot of work that goes into preparing to do readings. This is one of the main reasons I require an appointment for a reading. That way it gives me time to do my meditation and clearing before I read for someone. I respect my clients enough to prepare and have good and abundant energy when I read for them.
Phone, Zoom Or In-Person Psychic Tarot Card readings are:
$40 for 15 Minutes
$60 for 30 Minutes
$120 for 60 Minutes
+ $5 for Zoom Readings
$140/Hr For Private Parties
$150-$250/Hr For Corporate Parties
* It is always inappropriate to ask a reader questions based on another reader's information.
Here is a connection to some videos I have on YouTube.
To receive a reading, you need to be 18 or older. These readings are confidential, meant for entertainment and education. They're private and personal, not for medical or psychological purposes. Bill Champlin doesn't claim to cure diseases. If you choose a reading with Bill, there are no guarantees or warranties. Bill isn't responsible for how you interpret the messages. This isn't a replacement for medical, financial, legal, or spiritual advice. Once you purchase, there are no refunds.
I offer Gift Cards to pay for “gift” readings. Persons receiving a "Gift" reading need to have questions and a true desire for a reading. Readings are personal, private and meant to be used exclusively by the person receiving the reading to gain helpful information.
You may cancel and reschedule yourself prior to three hours before your appointment time. There is no refund for appointments booked and not conducted because I cannot contact the client or the client is not prepared. The client reserved the time.